Restore We completely restore and rebuild your car with absolute accuracy and quality! Restore Services SPECIALITY See our selection of restored vehicles and each phase of restoration Pickling Service Chrome Plating Service Plating Service Painting Service Lacquering Service Upholstery Service Electricity-auto service Mechanical Service Budget request Repair We repair your car. We have experts in any kind of damage or malfunction. Repair Services ADDITIONAL We also perform repairson any component of your vehicle Brake pipe substitution Brake oil replacement Pads and discs replacement Brake fluid replacement Hand brake tuning Decarbonisation engine Shock absorber replacement Diagnostics and repair of general errors Maintenance Procedemos a diagnóstico de avarias e a manutenções preventivas. Preparamos o veiculo para inspeção. Maintenance Services ADDITIONAL We provide services of automobile diagnostic and preparing for inspections Pre-inspection tests Filters and oil changes Review braking and traction system Suspension review Change brushes Focus headlights Battery replacement Air conditioning load, etc … Brands that we know well and that we work ASTON MARTIN ALFA ROMEO FIAT MASERATI MERCEDES BMW RENAULT PLYMOUTH PACKARD PEUGEOT VAUXHALL FORD VOLKSWAGEN LANCIA MG SIMCA CORD AUBURN CADILLAC LAND ROVER JAGUAR